Mention the name Blanche Goodson to any gospel quartet singer on the road today, and immediately they will spring to life with accolades about her commitment to this genre. Sister Blanche Goodson, for many years, was the general manager and on-air personality at WLGO, AM 1170, Lexington, South Carolina. She developed a reputation for playing local gospel quartet groups’ music. When other stations were focused on the national artists, she ensured that the unknown, and little known, local singers got their fair share (and more) of radio airplay.

For several years she hosted a television program dedicated to the gospel quartet genre. In fact, many of the programs can still be viewed online. And, speaking of online, she was one of the first gospel quartets’ Radio Angel to have her own website. Not just a web presence, but an actual website with news about the industry, pictures of events, and links to other websites related to gospel quartet music.

She was in the forefront when it came to putting gospel quartet videos on the internet. Sister Goodson’s many years in broadcasting has equipped her with a wealth of knowledge about this genre that has made her one of the best emcees in gospel music. She knows how to introduce a group to the audience. Sister Goodson is also the CEO of South Carolina Gospel Quartets Awards (SCGQA). SCGQA presents an annual program recognizing and honoring South Carolina Gospel Groups.

Sister Goodson has now ventured into online radio broadcasting. The broadcast is called SC Gospel Quartet Radio. She features gospel quartet music from across the state of South Carolina. The broadcast also includes devotional messsages, daily sermons, and a special and unique nightly program called "Featured Artists."


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